You can't do this alone... and you'll never have to.

Arrow keys to move
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It was cool how much meaning you were able to get out using such simple, and abstract shapes.

Aw this is such a cute game. I felt like I was helping the other lil guy to push the bar :D

AGHHHHHH THIS WARMED MY HEART.... I'M TOUCHED. But also I was very specifically impressed in the final scene where I tried to (BIG SPOILER) push the bar up on the same side as everyone else only to realize you thought of that beforehand! In the end I was still "alone" as the only guy pushing the bar up on the right side of the screen... but that's the point. I'm wasn't really alone. I wasn't in the same space as them, but the other squares were in this with me. We were in it together. Mind blown, legit!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like how you implemented a sort of gravity mechanic when you refuse to press up when pushing the bar up. Also like how it gets harder to push the bar up as time goes on.